Mark’s Gospel tells a story that doesn’t simply invite us in — it pulls us in, moving inexorably toward questions that demand an answer. Who is Jesus? What kind of kingdom is he bringing? What will it mean if I follow him? Mark’s Gospel portrays Jesus our Messiah as a Sovereign King, as a Suffering Servant, and, ultimately, as the Savior we are called to lay our lives down before and follow.

The Gospel of Mark Illustration

From the very first pages of Mark’s Gospel, two things become readily apparent. First, it’s clear that while Jesus is declared to be the Son of God who has inaugurated the Kingdom, what precisely this is will defy expectations. Inevitably this leads to questions, both from those who encountered Jesus in the First Century and from us today. Who is this Jesus? What will it mean if I follow him? 

That leads, then, to the second thing that is clear from very early on in Mark’s Gospel: Jesus invites us to come. Who, exactly, does he invite? All who would believe and follow him, complete with their questions and doubts, their hopes and fears, exactly as we are. We are invited to come experience Jesus, his teaching, his life, and his Kingdom for ourselves and see that, even though it defies expectations, even though it is upside down, Jesus’s way of healing and power and rest is the way to life. 

That is why we have created this graphic as it is, upside down. Herein you will find myriad references to the message of Jesus and his Kingdom from Mark’s Gospel. We hope that you will take the time to reflect on this image as you ponder the Scriptures and, more pointedly, spend time with the Jesus found in the Gospel of Mark. As you do so, we pray that your hearts would be encouraged by our good and gracious King. 

Please feel free to download and print the above images to aid in your reflection of our time in Mark. The outline version can even serve as a coloring page for little ones - what a great opportunity to connect them to the Truth of the scriptures!



Discussion Guides

Mark 1:1-13

Mark 1:14-20

Mark 1:21-45

Mark 2:1-17

Mark 2:18-28

Mark 3:1-12

Mark 3:13-35

Mark 4:1-20

Mark 4:21-34

Mark 4:35-41

Mark 5:1-20

Mark 5:21-43

Mark 6:1-30

Mark 6:31-56

Mark 7:1-23

Mark 7:24-37

Mark 8:1-26

Mark 8:1-21

Mark 8:27-9:1