Indoor worship protocols
Currently there are no statewide restrictions on our gatherings. However, we are still encouraging our members to consider wearing a mask and socially distancing as much as possible to show deference to those in our midst still at a high risk level for the virus. Our staff will continue to model this deference whenever possible.
Summit Kids Ministry is being offered, but at a limited capacity and based on volunteer availability. Most campuses are offering it weekly or bi-weekly at this time. And we always have kids activity bags to help if you decide to take your kids into the worship service. At Summit Cherrydale, it is only offered during the 9:00am worship service.
Indoor worship services do include corporate singing as a part of the worship gathering.
Hand Sanitizer will be available throughout the facilities.
Restrooms will be available and will be cleaned regularly.
All pre-service and post-service fellowship will be encouraged to take place in designated outdoor areas or open indoor areas.
If you’re presenting any COVID19 symptoms, please stay home and join us for online worship on (@SummitUpstate).