Unit Overview

Primer videos will be upload the week of that section

Week 1 | june 9 | Numbers 13-14

Story Point: Joshua and Caleb trusted God to give His people the promised land.

Christ Connection: The Israelites rebelled against God because they did not trust Him. Jesus trusted God perfectly. He took the punishment we deserve for our sin, or rebellion against God. When we trust in Jesus, God forgives our sin and gives us eternal life.

Week 2 | June 16 | numbers 20-21

Story Point: God told His people to look at the bronze snake to be healed.

Christ Connection: The Israelites faced a huge problem because of their sin. God sent snakes to punish Israel, but anyone who was bitten could look at the bronze snake on the pole and live. Because of our sin, we face a huge problem: we are separated from God. We deserve to die, but anyone who looks to Jesus on the cross and trusts in Him will live forever with God.

Week 3 | June 23 | numbers 22-24

Story Point: God commanded Balaam to bless His people.

Christ Connection: Balaam could not curse God’s people. God had blessed the Israelites, so Balaam blessed them too. Fourteen hundred years after Balaam announced God’s promise, Jesus was born. God sent Jesus to bless the whole world by rescuing people from sin.

Week 4 | June 30 | Deat. 31-34

Story Point: God commanded Balaam to bless His people.

Christ Connection: Moses was a good leader for God’s people. no other prophet in Israel was like Moses - until Jesus came. The Bible says Jesus deserves more glory than Moses. Jesus is our perfect leader. He died and was raised so that Moses and every believer in all of time can enter the promised land of God’s kingdom.


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